The dream:
I had been putting off taking a college math course until the last semester before graduation. I was terrified I would fail it — too scared to even go to class once it started. I worked out of a workbook by myself instead. When I came to a part that was too difficult for me to understand on my own, I decided I would go to class. The math problem that I was stuck on was like one I had never seen before. It was a comparison of equations of logical beliefs. When I got to class, I found the professor to be unbelievably kind. He provided all of the supplies that the students needed to learn — highlighters, etc. He and I instantly developed a wonderful rapport. He was very funny, and we told jokes back and forth. I fell completely in love with him. He needed a worker to help him in his office, and I gladly volunteered, not caring how much it might pay, if it paid at all. I decided to drop all of my other classes, because this was the only one I had any interest in.
The professor and I had a great time in our friendship. He was awaiting for his bride-to-be to arrive, but in the meantime, he was having a blast. We went on a boat. We encountered huge waves that scared some people, but I had a great time. The big waves would come and pitch the boat forward. I would look at the waves, and there were these crabs with HUGE smiles on their faces just surfing the waves, having a grand old time.
When I woke up, I still felt so in love with this new best friend that I had found. It was one of those dreams you’d like to go back to again and again. I have never felt so in-sync with someone else in my life. It was beautiful.